
From Middle States Accreditation (MSA) Facebook Page:

"Pearblossom Academy, a distance education school with offices on a horse farm in Bogue Chitto, Mississippi, hosted their Accreditation Visit last week! Students enrolled in the school have the ability to travel to the ranch and partake in their Equestrian Training Program, in addition to taking all core classes virtually. During their visit, Team Members were taught a few basic maneuvers by staff instructors to guide the horses, and made some new equine and human friends!"

The School's Profile of Graduates is:

  • The graduates of Pearblossom Academy are expected to be empowered through the learning experiences to be good citizens, contributors to their families and community, intellectually capable, and committed to lifelong learning and improvement.
  • Pearblossom graduates will possess critical thinking skills and balanced judgement to aid them in the paths they choose post-graduation.
  • Pearblossom graduates will use technology effectively without an over-reliance or abuse of its capacities. They will remain grounded in the values taught to them by their families.
  • Pearblossom graduates will be effective communicators, able to effectually express themselves in written and oral communication.
  • Pearblossom graduates will be respectful and confident in taking their place in the world upon graduation.

Highlights from Accreditation Report Team

Chair of the Team: Daniel Rufo, Director of Accreditation, MSA

Team Member: Kristy Lamoureux, Assistant Director of Accreditation Maintenance

Evidence to support the team's assessment consists of:

  • Data from observations and interviews
  • Guidance and counseling plan
  • Examples of student schedules
  • Results of follow-up studies of graduates
  • Admissions criteria

The visiting team observed that:

  • There is a very wide variety of elective programs, ranging from cosmetology to animal husbandry.
  • Students may move through the curriculum at their own pace, often allowing them to graduate at an accelerated rate.
  • Parents have the ability to oversee their child's progress and be as involved as they find necessary in their learning experience.
  • Interviews confirm that staff and students have great pride in their school.
  • Parent and student testimonials uphold all that was observed and nothing but positive anecdotes were shared.

The visiting Team determined that the school exceeds the expectations of this Standard in the following ways:

  • Pearblossom Academy believes strongly on a student's ability to make corrections to their mistakes and learn from them. The students are given one opportunity to correct a wrong answer and understand why they made the mistake.
  • Parents and students reported the ease of access and successful nature with which they have getting assistance and tutoring....
  • Though this is not a religious school, the principle values of the staff shine through in their work and treatment of each other and their students.
  • The Leadership is to be commended for consistently putting students "first."
  • The leadership does an excellent job melding their educational offerings with the Parelli Program--an equestrian centered course.
  • When an issue does arise, the response time is exceptionally fast and concise to solve said issues.
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